Mid-Course Correction and Delayed Treatments: How It Affects Patients and Doctors?

Clear aligners have been one of the best innovations so far in dentistry. Given their often painful and not so pleasant predecessors – the braces – aligners as the best option doesn’t surprise anyone. Patients love them, and doctors adore them too!

Aligners are a highly effective way to correct malalignments and achieve a perfect, symmetrical appearance. However, aligner treatments can sometimes go astray, missing their mark from the intended goal.

If you have reached this point, unfortunately the way out is to start again with mid-course corrections aiding you and repeating the drill:

  • Call the patient to the clinic;
  • Perform the scans again;
  • Devise a new treatment plan;
  • Discard all aligners made until that point;
  • And fabricate new ones.
  • Mid-course corrections are an unpleasant surprise waiting for you to endure. The delay in treatments they cause is a massive drawback of an otherwise seamless restoration experience.

Mid-course corrections: Diminishing horizons

We all have a sense of understanding of the proportion of patients requiring these corrections; it’s 8 out of every 10 patients. This number is outrageous, but it becomes daunting when you look at the bigger picture. And that remains while still overlooking the financial implications.

Consider the extended chair time of a patient for one. On average, any aligner treatment mandates about 52 weeks to be effective. Mid-course corrections extend this time by 8 weeks. The patient would be in your chair for an extra 8 weeks because the treatment became ineffective.

This time could have been utilized to see other patients and bring better, more positive changes.

Now, that is just one patient who needed extra time. Considering that 80% of aligner treatments require mid-course corrections, imagine the significant loss. You could potentially lose a number of new patients while still treating patients whose treatment should have ended long ago.

Is an aligner treatment even worth it if it makes you lose more patients than you help?

Should you bear the consequences?

There are a number of factors which would cause this deviation. Hence, it would be unfair to be putting the blame of mid course corrections on one reason. However, no doctor or patient should have to bear any delays or losses for this unexpected situation.

Rescue Aligners save the day.

You should know that despite all your efforts, there is a possibility that you might not be able to avoid mid-course corrections.

However, you can certainly overcome them like a pro and not be affected by their damaging inconveniences.

We, at OrthoFX, have created an intelligent system that seamlessly brings off-track cases back on course with our Rescue Aligners.

The extended chair time is minimal, and so is the delay in treatments. You would only be drawing out the treatment by one week and not eight.

This shortened time is possible because our expertise in aligners has enabled us to build a patented multi-shell design Rescue Aligners that are not only quick to correct but also powered by AI-driven monitoring.
With OrthoFX clear aligners, you can now –

  • Leverage their better elasticity;
  • Count on their ability to endure higher stress;
  • And be assured to deliver the needed force to quickly bring treatments back on track.

We can help you forget all the pain and frustration associated with mid-course corrections. So, are you ready to harness the faster and easier way of helping your patients get the perfect, beaming smile?


Our Products

clear teeth aligners

Aligner Treatment

Your doctor will advice on the best treatment option for you. We support mild to comprehensive treatment complexities

oral care - OrthoFX

Retainer Subscription

FXTetra Bright retainer material that makes your teeth appear naturally whiter and cleaner

smile aligners

Try It Kit

Your doctor will advise on the best treatment option for you.We support mild to comprehensive treatment complexities


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