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August 18, 2021

Are Clear Aligners a Good Investment?


Gone are the days when the thought of teeth-straightening treatment gave you shudders because of all the metal network it brings into your mouth. Thanks to advanced research and technology upgrades in orthodontics, teeth-straightening is no more limited to traditional metal braces. Clear aligners have taken over as the more popular option owing to their multiple benefits. But if you are still wondering whether investing in clear aligners would be a good idea or not, let us help you make an informed decision by listing out the advantages of the product.

The solutions

Realigning your teeth with clear aligners solves a number of oral problems. Crooked or misaligned teeth not only affect one’s appearance but also wreak havoc to overall oral health. It could lead to chewing/bite issues, gum diseases, bacteria formation, toothache, and affect speech. Realigning your teeth with clear aligners will help you achieve the following:

  • Fix issues like crowded teeth, gap teeth, underbite, overbite, or crossbite
  • Get you a better smile
  • Improve speech and pronunciation
  • Better maintenance of oral hygiene and overall oral health

The advantages

No more visible network of wires: Clear aligners are almost invisible and no one gets a glimpse of your ongoing treatment while you are wearing one. The trays are made of high-grade plastic and are completely transparent. You can wear them at work, college, while attending a wedding, or at a job interview. The invisibility factor boosts confidence and you don’t have to think about your appearance.

Eat without worrying: With clear aligners on, you do not have to worry about what to eat to avoid food getting stuck in them. Unlike metal braces, there are no dietary restrictions here and you can happily munch on whatever you want by removing the aligners and wearing them after thoroughly cleaning them post every meal.

Easy maintenance of oral hygiene: Regular maintenance of oral hygiene is a must whether you are undergoing orthodontic treatment or not. Unlike metal braces, there is no obstruction in brushing/flossing while wearing clear aligners. You can simply remove the aligners and clean your teeth twice a day before reinserting them.

Shorter treatment time: Clear aligners take around six months to a couple of years to realign crooked teeth. The process of teeth-straightening begins immediately as you start wearing the aligners and the efficiency of the technology makes the total treatment time lesser than the other treatment modes.

With so much to gain from the treatment, every penny spent on it should be worth it. A procedure that suits your lifestyle, is minimally invasive, and gives you near-perfect results should not be given a miss. However, if you still need to know more about clear aligners, book yourself an appointment with an orthodontist at the earliest.