How to take the perfect check-in photos

The FXOnTrack™ app makes check-in’s with your doctor easy. The key to getting an accurate read of your check-in from home or on the go is by submitting a great picture. With the cheek retractor tool we provided, you’ll be able the get the perfect shot we’re looking for. We love to see you smile!

Getting started

Use your cheek retractor

To help our clinical team see all of your teeth, you will need to use the cheek retractor we sent you. Fit it into the sides of your mouth as pictured below. You should be looking like you’re giving the biggest smile you’ve ever given!

Open FXOnTrack and go to the check-in page

Once you’re there, click the camera button to lead you into “camera mode.” In camera mode, align your teeth with the teeth in the frame.

Tips for getting the best photo

  • With your phone camera, use selfie mode and turn on the flash.
  • Stand in front of your bathroom mirror to help you see what you are doing.
  • As you take each photo, tap your teeth on the screen to help the camera focus. No blurry teeth please!

Photo guide

Front bite
Upper teeth
Lower teeth
Right bite
Left bite
How to take:
  • For the front view of your bite: hold your phone upright, and position the camera straight and level directly in front of your teeth.

  • Even though the retractor makes it a little harder, close your teeth together and bite down. This should be your natural bite, like when you chew. 

  • You can use the handle on your check retractors to pull your lower lip down so we can see your lower teeth completely.

  • Take the picture in focus, and close enough so that teeth fill 90% of the screen width.

How NOT to take:

Teeth should be biting down