Clear aligners can help many forms of malocclusion (bad bite)? Straightening the teeth is one thing, but fixing a bad bite can help you significantly in the long run. Here’s how clear aligners can help correct your overbite.
What is an overbite?
An overbite is a condition where your upper jaw overlaps your lower jaw, sometimes referred to as “buck teeth'', causing your upper teeth to stick out farther than the lower teeth. There are three types of overbite – the first is when the overbite is slight and the protrusion is just about one or two millimeters. In the second case, the malocclusion will be severe (retrognathic) and would require an expert dental consultation. When it comes to third (deep overbite or prognathic), the overlap would be more pronounced and the patient may struggle to properly close their mouth due to protruding teeth.
What are the causes of overbite?
There are multiple causes of an overbite, the most common reason being the size and shape of the jaw or the teeth. Having too much or too little room in the jaw can result in an overbite condition. Thumb sucking and overuse of pacifiers and bottles can cause children to develop overbite, as it’s often due to consistent pushing of the tongue against teeth. Chronic nail-biting, chewing on objects such as pens or pencils, and tooth loss could also be reasons for having an overbite. Tongue thrust may also be an issue with a significant overbite.
Why is it important to treat overbite?
Abnormal positioning of the teeth can result in tooth wear, possibly leading to tooth decay, possible jaw pain, headaches, speaking difficulties, sleep apnoea, and even temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ). What’s more? If you don’t treat this condition early on, an overbite can affect your facial features.
Treating overbite with OrthoFX clear aligners
Why are clear aligners a great option in fixing an overbite? OrthoFX clear aligners make your life easier by providing not only technologically advanced aligners, but also a dental expert to treat your overbite. Clear aligners may not be the best choice for overbites that are caused due to skeletal problems with the jaw. But in those cases where there is correction for normal protrusion of upper teeth over lower teeth, OrthoFX clear aligners are a great option. Just like braces, OrthoFX clear aligners apply gentle pressure on the teeth and thereby help the teeth to move into their proper position. This method of teeth correction is extremely effective on mild to moderate overbites and crooked teeth that need straightening. However, you need to wear the assigned OrthoFX tray at least 22 hours a day for this treatment to work effectively, which means you can remove them only when you need to eat, brush or floss. While undergoing the treatment, each patient will receive a set of aligning trays that are to be replaced every two weeks. Each tray is designed to tweak the teeth a certain amount. Depending on the condition, this process can involve as many as 26 trays for 12 months (1 tray every two weeks).