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December 12, 2020

Do retainers straighten teeth?


After months of treatment to straighten your teeth - be it with the traditional braces or the new age aligners - you visit the orthodontist hoping that your journey to straight teeth is over. But instead, he/she gives you a pat on the shoulder and hands you a new oral appliance. Meet Retainers! Here, we answer some of the most common retainer FAQs.  

What are retainers & why use them?

Retainers are custom-made devices that help maintain the straight teeth alignment that was achieved by the orthodontic treatment. Teeth straightening causes major shifting and can affect the bone structure in your mouth. Retainers help stabilize teeth while the bones set to ensure the newly acquired perfectly aligned teeth stay put. 

Can retainers realign teeth?

The answer to this question is not a straightforward no. In some cases, retainers can help realign teeth. Your orthodontist may suggest retainers for that perfect smile in very select cases. If you are an adult and your teeth overcrowding is limited, he may suggest retainers. In simple terms, if your teeth require just minor corrections, it can be achieved with retainers. At OrthoFX, our professionals will be happy to guide you with the most efficient way to achieve the perfect smile. In cases of bigger orthodontic challenges, clear aligners may be the way to go.  However, the primary role of retainers in the orthodontic treatment is to ensure that teeth retain the new position after the active orthodontic phase.  

Retainers Vs Aligners: What’s the difference?

Retainers and aligners are both custom-built by an orthodontist and are both invisible. However, they serve two entirely different purposes. Retainers are typically worn after having your teeth realigned by braces or aligners. Aligners, on the other hand, function like braces to realign your teeth into shape.

Which is the best alternative?

If you have a malocclusion (a misaligned bite), but don't want to wear metal braces you can safely rely on clear aligners. Clear aligners are popular because they are convenient to use, almost translucent, and removable without a visit to the dentist. There are no annoying wires that come with braces. There’s more! You can pop your aligner out when you want to eat or clean your teeth. Discover what OrthoFX can do for you when you schedule your free smile preview from the comfort of your home. 

Why OrthoFX

At OrthoFX, we have a panel of efficient and capable doctors to take care of all your needs in the best possible way. We leverage the latest technology for processes that are aimed at seamless zero-contact patient-doctor interaction. In addition to the orthodontic treatment most suitable to your specific needs, we also provide assistance if you have a dental insurance plan.