benefits of clear aligners

How to Grow Your Dental Practice Through Clear Aligners

Traditional dental care involving cleaning, extraction, root canal, dentures, etc., will always continue to attract a steady flow of patients. However, orthodontic practices such as clear aligners have been showing immense potential to reshape the contours of the dental health industry in the past couple of decades. Let us help you understand how adding clear aligners to your repertoire can grow your dental practice.

Potential of clear aligners 

Clear aligners are smart solutions to correcting irregular dental alignment. They are transparent, easy to fit, and not as conspicuous as traditional metal braces. People today are ready to invest in their oral health and don’t shy away from correcting malocclusion of any form. Moreover, they are conscious about their appearances and make no compromises when it comes to flaunting a great smile. Even if it comes across as a bit heavy on the pocket, people are ready for the treatment. Thanks to all the comfort it comes with, clear aligners have established themselves as a sought-after product. Thus, if such non-traditional consumer bases can be successfully attracted, it is likely to make a considerable impact on your practice. The black swan event of COVID-19 has led to a significant reduction of footfalls in clinics. In this environment of pessimism and dwindling revenue, clear aligners can be the potential game-changers.  

Spread the word

While a majority of the population looking to straighten their teeth have made the transition from traditional techniques to clear aligners, there are still many who are not aware of its benefits. Educating your regular patients about the advantages of clear aligners — non-invasive, easy to use, easy to maintain — can make a significant difference. Not only will it help in converting a good chunk of patients, they can even let out the word among their peers and relatives. The more people get aware of your offerings, the more they will opt for such procedures that take care of their dental health.

Better research, better products

The most feasible way you can ensure your clear aligner services are bringing you good revenue is by tying up with the right provider. Quality products and a good financial plan are two things that can take you a long way. For example, OrthoFX clear aligners are tailor-made to make your patients smile the widest and brightest. They are made from the best raw material and are extremely comfortable to wear. Just what you need to give your practice and clinic the much-needed economic boost.


Our Products

clear teeth aligners

Aligner Treatment

Your doctor will advice on the best treatment option for you. We support mild to comprehensive treatment complexities

oral care - OrthoFX

Retainer Subscription

FXTetra Bright retainer material that makes your teeth appear naturally whiter and cleaner

smile aligners

Try It Kit

Your doctor will advise on the best treatment option for you.We support mild to comprehensive treatment complexities


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