teeth aligners at home

Things to Know About Teeth Straightening at Home

teeth aligners at home
Many people prefer at-home easy and quick remedies for dental issues over doctor visits due to various reasons. DIY teeth-straightening is one such procedure that has become popular in recent times. In addition, the easy availability of at-home treatment options is encouraging more people to try them in recent times. However, despite the easy-going nature of such treatments, there are quite a few disadvantages one should be aware of before trying to straighten teeth at home.

Pushing with fingers or tongue

Some people try to move to their misaligned teeth by exerting pressure with fingers or the tongue. While, in some cases, these methods work over a certain period, there are several downsides to these methods. The level of pressure while using these methods has to be gentle. Pushing the teeth with the tongue might work in cases of mild malocclusion. However, it is not a recommended method for severely crooked or misaligned teeth and can lead to more harm if done without clinical supervision.

Downside of self-diagnosis 

With the option of DIY home kits and mail-order clear aligners, teeth-straightening at home has become an easy job. One has to take an impression of his/her teeth and send the same to the online aligner provider, who prepares the series of clear aligners based on this impression. However, this exercise could go wrong at any stage, and clear aligners made based on these impressions could end up being wrong and jeopardize the whole procedure. 

Unsolved deep-rooted issues 

Avoiding visiting a dentist or orthodontist could lead to more complicated problems. What might look like a mild case of malocclusion, could involve other serious dental issues, as well. Gum diseases, plaque, tooth decay, etc. are oral problems that need clinical intervention and cannot be solved at home. Trying to fix crooked teeth without solving the basic dental issues could turn out to be detrimental to overall oral health. While straightening teeth at home with DIY solutions look easy, it could do more harm to your teeth in more ways than one. Orthodontists and dentists have been very critical of such procedures despite their popularity. Thus, it is always advisable to seek clinical supervision to treat malocclusion.

Our Products

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